Blog for travel brands

10 reasons why a brand’s application to register on Travelpayouts can be declined

With Travelpayouts, brands of any size can attract an inflow of new clients and start earning with affiliate marketing. For that, you need to register on the Travelpayouts platform, wait for your application to be approved and create a partner program.

Reasons for denying brand's application

We find it important to ensure efficient collaboration between brands and partners. That’s why, at Travelpayouts, we carefully analyze each brand before approval. We pay attention to website functionality, available online payment methods for travel services, and online customer support. 

In this post, we’ve gathered 10 reasons why brands’ applications for connecting to Travelpayouts can be declined.

The brand doesn’t provide travel services

Our partners create content about travel, and their audiences are interested in travel services. 

That’s why our partners’ traffic doesn’t suit brands that don’t work with travel-related services or products, and we don’t connect such projects to the platform.

Irrelevant service

At the moment, we don’t connect with mobile apps and B2B services as brands. Also, we don’t work with service providers, or companies that don’t sell services to travelers but partner with travel brands and advertising their travel products through them.

Registration form – Individual Entrepreneur

Travelpayouts doesn’t work with individual entrepreneurs, so we don’t connect brands with such registration forms. 

Non-unique products

We don’t connect projects with non-unique content as brands. These can be websites advertising travel products of travel brands or aggregators without proper agreements with them. As well as projects that are already promoting travel brands’ services with Travelpayouts’ partner tools. 

We’ll be happy to offer such projects to become our partners. For that they can register on Travelpayouts as partners.

We can’t provide appropriate traffic

We can’t guarantee appropriate traffic in sufficient quantity if a brand only provides a handful of services or narrow-profile products, for example, three to five tours to one country. And also if we don’t have enough traffic in countries where the brand operates.

The brand’s site doesn’t accept online payments

Travelpayouts’ partners place partner tools on their platforms. They help direct users to brands’ websites and make bookings online. 

To work with CPA model (cost per action), online payments are a priority on a website, as they help facilitate order tracking and speed up their confirmation. 

That’s why we find it very important that the brand’s website accepts online payments with popular international payment systems: Mastercard or Visa. 

Travelpayouts also can’t connect brands if their websites don’t accept online payments or have other payment systems.

The brand works only on social media

We don’t connect brands that work only on social media (Instagram, VK, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and others).

 Also, if they don’t have their own website or are only developing one. For users, it’s harder to choose and purchase travel products on such platforms. And social media doesn’t allow for online payments via several payment methods. 

Owners of social media projects can become Travelpayouts partners and earn by promoting services of other travel brands.

For example, if you sell original tours, you can join partner programs in the accommodation and transport verticals, such as Avisales,, and others. You’ll be rewarded for each time users purchase services of these brands on your recommendation. 

To start earning with other travel brands, you need to register on Travelpayouts as a partner.

Website requires further development

We can’t connect a brand if for the user it’s hard to navigate the website, understand what services the brand offers, or how to choose a relevant service and purchase it. 

Also, we can’t guarantee relevant traffic if most services on the website are unavailable, online payments don’t work, users have an impression that the website is still under development, is outdated or inactive. That’s why we don’t connect such projects to the platform.

Small audience

Affiliate marketing is an efficient strategy for brands that already have their own audience. When connecting them to Travelpayouts, we’ll analyze the traffic of your website. If the audience turns out to be narrow, we won’t connect the brand to the platform. 

Low competitiveness of a partner program

We can’t guarantee appropriate traffic if it will be hard for your brand to compete with partner programs of travel market big players present on our platform. 

In such a case, we recommend you to study the terms of partner programs of competitors and offer partners better conditions. For example, increased commissions, longer cookie lifetime, and so on. 

Join Travelpayouts, and we’ll analyze your brand within two days after the registration and approve or decline your application. We’ll send the results of our check to your email indicated during the registration in your personal account.