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4 Quick Steps to Create Content and Design for Email Newsletters

4 quick steps to create content and design for email newsletters

Step 1. Figure Out Your Focus

Creating a newsletter simply for the sake of sending a newsletter won’t make your marketing campaign successful. Start by defining the goal you want to achieve, like increasing community engagement, driving conversions, or growing brand awareness. Then, create content accordingly.

Define Your Purpose

First and foremost, determine the results you want to achieve. Here are a few examples of email newsletter goals:

Your newsletter may serve a few purposes, you don’t have to settle for one. Even better, think about creatively combining a few tactics to diversify your newsletter. 

Choose Content for Your Newsletter

Once you understand the results you want to produce, the next step is to create relevant content.

Helpful Content

The best way to acquire and retain an audience is to bring value. Consider creating content that will educate your readers, help them solve problems, provide step-by-step instructions, etc. 

Promotional Emails

There is nothing wrong with sharing promotional content every now and then to monetize your newsletter. Research reveals that 60% of consumers prefer to get promotions and updates from a brand by email.

Invitational Newsletters

This kind of newsletter is suitable to promote upcoming events like webinars and online meetups that you or advertisers might be running. This can even be a series of emails, for example an invitation to an event followed by a reminder closer to the date and finally, event recap for those who didn’t come. 

Below, there is an example of an invitational email to one of Majestic’s webinars.

Business Information Emails

Sharing information about your brand can help build trust with the audience and educate it at the same time.

Interactive Content

This type of content allows the audience to perform actions and share feedback with you. It’s beneficial to both increasing engagement and learning more about subscribers.

Step 2. Get Your Email Opened

Keystone to success in email marketing is to get your emails open. In addition to tactics described below, it’s also important to remember about the technical side and warm up your address before sending.

Write a Catchy Subject Line

Subject lines are the first thing that people see in their mailboxes together with the sender’s name. With the tactics below, you can draw subscribers’ attention and increase your open rates. 

  1. Be personal. Personalized subject lines can increase open rates by 50%, as this allows to build rapport with the audience and make them feel special. You can use the recipient’s name, their birthdays, interests, location, and so on. 
  2. Create a sense of urgency. Make subscribers feel that your offer is time-sensitive and encourage more opens for your newsletter. You can create such an effect using words like urgent, important, limited, alert, etc. 
  3. Another great tactic to make subscribers wonder what’s inside your letter is to leave an information gap. For instance, write only a part of the sentence. Or ask a question in the subject line that subscribers would want to know the answer to.
  4. Address a common concern so users can relate to the email. 
  5. Use power words that stimulate readers’ interest and appeal emotionally, for example, adjectives like amazing, mind-blowing, awesome, blissful, and so on.

Whatever tactic you use, take the time to check the spam score for your text in one of spam checkers like MailTester, Postmark, etc. Thus, you’ll make sure that your subject line doesn’t get in the way of email deliverability.

Make Your Email Personal

Personalization is considered to be the most productive strategy for email communication by 50% of marketers. What’s more, 82% of experts noticed increased open rates after they implemented personalization.

Here are five simple steps that will make each subscriber feel special.

  1. Segment your audience into several groups based on their data to drive higher conversions. For instance, segment the audience based on their location, interests, web behaviour, preferred mailing frequency, etc. Pay particular attention to the location of your subscribers and try to send out emails at optimal times for each location.
  2. Build customer personas for each segment. Based on the data acquired in the previous step, try to describe their key traits, behavior, and pain points that you can help solve. Then, prepare content that would appeal to each buyer persona.
  3. Use dynamic content. It automatically changes depending on user data such as gender, location, behavior, etc. And, it can save you a lot of time changing content manually. So, what can you customize?
    1. Product recommendations. That’s a great way to show the audience that you take the time to study their needs and provide a customized approach. For example, you can send how-to guides for specific destinations that your users would like or make a compilation of offers from advertisers based on their purchase history, etc.
    2. Images. Customize every image for newsletter design to match the location of users to increase click-through rate by 29%.
    3. Content. Just like with offers and images, you can customize email content, for instance, recommend blog posts or send other types of newsletters based on what subscribers found interesting the last time.
  4. Add recipient’s first name. Address the recipient by name in the subject line and increase open rates by 26%.
  5. Personalize your business. Send emails directly from your team members to establish human connection between you and subscribers.

Now, how can you collect user data for email marketing campaigns? 

Choose the Best Timing

Timing may influence your email marketing campaign no less than subject lines or relevance of content. Thus, open and click-through rates are impacted a lot by the time of the day and day of the week. For example, 10 a.m and 8 p.m. are considered the best time to connect with subscribers, while Tuesday and Wednesday are found to be the most opportune days for mailing. If you target a global audience, consider time zones of subscribers and reach out to them accordingly.

Step 3. Pick the Perfect Email Template

Before you start crafting an actual email, it’s very important to choose the right template and strategize from there. Focus on the best layout for your newsletter, and colors and imagery can be easily edited afterwards. 

While templates for email newsletters are customizable, they are usually designed with a particular type of content in mind. Thus, for a post roundup, the template should allow you to include various posts and mix text with images, like the template below by Colorlib

A promotional email doesn’t need multiple sections as you want to highlight a particular offer, but an opportunity to add visuals is crucial. A confirmation email needs even less elements, as it aims to simply confirm the user’s email.

Another question is whether to use a ready-made template or go with a custom-made one. At first, using ready-made layouts saves a lot of time, as you don’t need to worry about it too much, and is also beneficial for last-minute email campaigns. You can get such templates for free or for a small fee with most marketing tools. Custom-made templates allow you to voice your brand identity and add an exclusive touch to stand out from the competition. To understand what kind of template you might need, check on your competitors. Take a look at what templates they are using to see ongoing trends.

Step 4. Write Newsletter Text

Once you define the purpose of your newsletter and choose content and layout, it’s time to write the text. 

Write a Compelling Opening Line

The first thing that users see when clicking your email is the opening line. While some of them might not notice the subject line, they won’t miss the opening line. What’s more, users can often see part of the message right in the mailbox, without opening an email, so it’s likely to be noticed.
So, what should you use this line for? The goal is to catch the user’s attention. For starters, you can address them by name when possible, like Melissa from A Broken Backpack.

Try also to get to the point right from the beginning, so that users can see what the letter is about and relate. By doing so, you’ll respect your readers’ time. 

Stay Relevant

It’s important to stay relevant in the email body as well as throughout all the newsletters. When users subscribe to a newsletter, they have certain expectations from it, as you describe its content. Thus, to grow the audience, you’d better keep to the content and mailing frequency as promised. Try not to take advantage of getting people’s emails and flooding them with irrelevant content.

Some bloggers let users decide what kind of content they want to get and how often they want to get it, thus making their mailing more efficient from the very start. In this case, you won’t have to worry about your newsletter being irrelevant. While it demands much more time to prepare a few emails for each group of users, it increases your conversion rates significantly.

Choose the Tone for Your Newsletter

The tone is how you sound to your subscribers, and it serves many purposes: voicing your brand identity, connecting with readers, establishing authority, etc. You can change it a bit depending on each email’s purpose. Anyway, the right tone pulls the reader in, and here are a few ideas on how to make it work. As an email is a more intimate form of writing than blog posts or guides, it’s ok to be informal. For example, address subscribers as you’d do with your best friend, just like Kristin from Be My Travel Muse.

To make it sound conversational, you can ask questions and express emotions, as you’d do in a real talk. Why also not share a personal story to make subscribers feel close and up-to-date with your schedule? Here is an example from Adventurous Kate:

Add Visuals

While some bloggers send newsletters with plain text, adding imagery always helps draw attention and spice things up. Subscribers might not read every word of your email, but they’ll for sure look at visuals, so adding them increases the chances of your email resonating with the audience. Here is an example from the World of Wanderlust newsletter: 

If you share facts and stats, adding visuals can make the email more readable. Take advantage of infographic tools and create stunning pictures that will help educate subscribers. However, adding imagery can increase the size of email newsletters, so make sure to test it before sending.

Write a Persuasive Closing

Closing is the point where subscribers decide whether they want to stay with you and proceed further. Here, it’s important to weave relevant calls to action: checking out an offer, downloading a guide, signing up for a course, etc. Make it crystal clear what you expect from users to drive clicks. It’s good practice to add a CTA button of contrasting color that won’t go unnoticed. Here is an example from Make a Living Writing. 

Over to You

Now that you know how to make the best of email marketing, it’s time to put that knowledge into practice. Identify your objectives and create an email newsletter that will serve that purpose. To make your message powerful, write compelling subject and opening lines, share visuals, choose the right layout and add personal touch to make every user feel special. Before sending, make sure to test email newsletters to increase their deliverability.