Webinar Q&A: Travelpayouts’ Tools and Offers Review

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  9  min.

On June 14th we held a webinar “Travelpayouts’ tools and offers review”. On this page we have collected answers to all questions from the webinar. If you want to see recording, please use this link.

Ivan Petrov: Does Each Affiliate ID Can Promote Both Flights and Hotels?

Yes, each affiliate ID (marker) is the same both for flights and hotels. Moreover, with your ID you can promote offers (car rentals, tour activities and more), and your ID is the same for all products.

Alice: Which Tool Is the Best and the Most Effective?

There is no answer, which will fit for all. It depends on the project and type of the traffic you have. We recommend to make a test, and find the best option for you through the testing. From the practice in general text links and search forms are one of the most effective tools.

Ivan Petrov: Can We Promote via Facebook Ads (Other Affiliate Programs Do Not Allow)?

Yes, we have options which allow promotion via Facebook ads. Allowable traffic types for flight and hotels are available in our knowledgebase. Please pay attention, that every offer has own requirements. You can find them on the description page of each offer.

Ivan Petrov: Do You Pay For Leads or Just for Conversions?

Travelpayouts is CPA affiliate network. What means, we pay for action. In most of the cases action is a sale – sale of ticket, hotel and so on. We also include offers (car rental, tour activities, event tickets and so on), each program has its own rules, and action definition could vary. Please pay attention to the full description of the offer you are interested in, to understand for what you will be paid.

Mark: Can We Have, Say, Our Own Header and Footer With the Hotel Search in Between? Can See More Examples of White Label Integrations?

Yes, you can make your own header and footer with the White Label. You can see the demo on http://whitelabel.travelpayouts.com.

Frank: Localization Does Not Always Work Properly…if I Choose Default Currency of CHF, Then User Will End up on a Us Travel Agency Transacing Only in Us$

We support CHF on White Label and other tools, but sometimes user see the final results (on the Agencies’ pages) in another currency. It happens, usually, in case when agency with US$ provide the better offer, than any other. We try to work with the local agencies, but their prices in, for example CHF, not always best one.

Destry Phillip Bartholomeusz: Please Share Your Link Where We Can Register

You can register via the link https://www.travelpayouts.com/en#popup-register

Robert Ritz: I Am Very in How the Mobile Application Works. Can We See the UI of It and the Customizations to the Branding That Are Possible?

You can find the template project screens in our knowledgebase. Below are two examples of the customization to the branding.

Flight Store Cheap Flights

You are able to make almost any changes what you would like to make. You can find more details on the GitHub – for Android and for iOS apps.

John: Any Way to Limit Search Results to Special Providers?

No, it’s not possible

Adi: Can You Give More Information About Mobile Sdk for Android?

Please look in our knowledgebase. We already described in details. For more details look on the GitHub. We also have useful cases in our blog.

Ivan Petrov: What Is the Most Effective Advertising Channel You Use? Is It More Effective to Promote via Blogging or Facebook Ads?

The most effective way to promote depends on your skills. In your example – blogging and Facebook, two different channels, both of them can be good if you work with them, have audience and setting tools well.

John: Please Can Have the Map Examples, the Link Doesn’t Work

We’ll look into this. Those examples were general ones. E.g., https://codepen.io/anon/pen/qKpgVq.

George Stanley: Can We Add Additional Page for the Whitelabels Solutions Like Contact Us Page?

Yes, you can add it on your side and paste a link onto White Label. It’s not possible to add pages in the settings of White Label in your account.

Mark: Are There Any Search Widgets for Ground Transport and White Labels?

Not yet, but we will add widgets and other tools soon, it’s already in our plan.

Mark: Very Important for Me Is to Know Whether All These Partners Are Available in English and if They Accept Customers From the UK Paying in Gbp

Aviasales and Hotellook are available in UK, and support GBP. We are working worldwide, and accept affiliates from any country. Your customers (traffic and visitors) also can be from the any country, but please pay attention – some of the additional offers have a narrow product (to Asia for example) or some requirements about traffic. You can find the details in your personal account in the full description of the each offer.

Global Safar: How Do We Request a Private White Label to Integrate on Our Websites?

White Label is available in your dashboard. You do not need to request it, just click a button “Create a new White Label” and setup it.

If you need more flexible tool, use our API.

Mark: Any Plans to Add Getyourguide? I Don’t Like Viator at All

Yes we have plan to add Getyourguide and other offers.

Edison Gabion: Hi Why Some Agency Not Showing Their Price in My Website While in Jetrar Was Available

Some agencies don’t support markers. In this case we can’t determine whose booking it is and pay commission. We switch off such agencies for our affiliates. That’s why the set of agencies on Aviasales and White Label differs.

Diraa: Guys Why I Make Not Airline Tickets Sales My Website Have Over 100 Unique Visitor Pay Days ? Can Any One Help Me?

100 unique visitors per day is not much. With such volume you could not expect high incomes. If you do not have any sales for a long time, please learn more in our blog how to integrate tools.

Rory: When Will They Have Booking on Whitelabel?

Booking.com won’t be available on White Label. They prohibit to show their priced in White Label and API.

Frank: Where Are Car Rentals in My Travelpayouts Control Panel?

You can find it here https://www.travelpayouts.com/campaigns?category=3.

Nathaniel Sam George: Can We Have More Agency Websites Listed That Give Lower Prices?

Our business development team works on adding more agencies and airlines to our search engine. Please have in mind that this process takes time.

Joseph: Cruise Widget, Car Rental Widget – Are You Planning to Add This at All?

Car rental can be found here https://www.travelpayouts.com/campaigns?category=3. We’ll add widgets to Economybookings campaign in the nearest future. Cruises are on their way.

Joseph: In Order to Keep Theme Uniform and Looking More Professional, It’s Imperative for Me as a Webmaster/Multi-Websites Manager to Uniformly Integrate Into Theme Design. With Travelpayout Widgets, I Only Get Uniformity With Flights & Hotel. I Now Have to Go Outside Travelpayouts to Offer All Travel Referrals.

It’s possible to change color scheme in some offers. They’re Russian mostly. We plan to work on this subject in the future.

Joseph: What About Issues With Partners Committing Fraud or Scam With Our Referrals (As Seen on App Review)?

Sorry, your question is not clear, please contact us we will do our best to solve the issues.

If we understand you correctly, you are speaking about the  commision and our way to count it. We pay to the last affiliate who attracts the buyer. For example, if you attract the visitor, and he/she did not buy anything, and than in 2 weeks later some other affiliate attracts the same visitor and this time the visor made a purchase, the commission will be paid for the affiliate, who attracted the visitor as the last. It works the same way for you – your sales could be done by visitors who before you attract them were attracted by some other affiliate.

Glowee: Should I Need to Indicate My ID No. On White Label? To Get Earnings? Where Should I Put My ID No. For Whitelabel?

You do not need to indicate your ID manually. Log in to your Travelpayouts account, and than use tools from the dashboard. All of them contains your marker automatically.

Lissa Gracia: How to Configure the Travel Payout Theme on WordPress?

You can use our WordPress Plugin. Or insert the tools manually to the pages. To make it use the code mode.

David Michael: How to Make Links for Aviasales.RU… Are We Automatically Connected if Affiliates of Travelpayouts?

Yes, you are. You need to choose Russian as a language of a tool. Search results will be opened on Aviasales.ru in this case.

Abdel: I Have One Question About the Cookies Stay 30 Days That Can Stay More?

Cookies lifetime for flights and hotels is 30 days. Offers have their own policies for cookies lifetime. Please read Terms to find out actual data for each offer presented in Travelpayouts network.

Kenny Brown: What Ground Travel Do You Partner With in the U.s.

We have AutoEurope and Economybookings.

Rory: When Will They Have Ip Tracking for Whitelabel? Meaning When Someone in the USA Arrives at Your Website It Show Them Dollars, or if Someone Arrives From India It Will Show Indian Rupees?

We have it in our roadmap.

Husein: Which Is Better to Use White Label or Affiliate Links

We don’t recommend small or new projects to use White Label. White Label is usually used of you plan to build your our brand.

Mark: Aside From Flight+Hotel White Labels, I Don’t See Any Other White Labels on Here. For Instance, Car Hire Is Just Text Links and Banners From Autoeurope. How Many Products Can We White Label?

Please have a look here.

Nathaniel Sam George: Can We Have a White Labelled “Travelpayouts” So That We Can Also Provide Affiliation Without Revealing “Travelpayouts”?

Yes, you can. White Label can be created here. It’s fully customizable. You can remove any text related to Travelpayouts.

Mark: You Said That the Threshold for Payment Is 50usd. Is This on All Products? In Other Words, Say I Have 45usd in Commission on Flights and 5 USD Commission on Car Hire. Would I Still Get Paid or Would I Have to Wait to Make 50usd on Car Hire Products

You’ll get paid after your unpaid earnings reach $50. So it’s for all products.

Destry Phillip Bartholomeusz: Do We Have Access to Develop a Customize Android App? We Are an Inbound Tour Operator.

You can use Android SDK for building your app.

Diraa: Last 3 Years We Don’t See Any Change on White Labels Page. Do You Plan Any Updates?

We updated our White Label product regularly, for example here you can see all May 2018 updates. We are not finishing to improve and develop White Label, so in future you will see more updates and changes. If you have any ideas and suggestion how we can make this tool better, please contact us.

Diraa: After Implementing This Cookies Policy Popup I Have No More Sells. How Can I Remove It?

We have to show Cookies Policy due to GDPR.

If you have any questions about your statistics please email to support@travelpayouts.com .

Prakash: Is There Any Bandwidth Allocation for Different Countries?

No, there is not.

Frenk: Do You Have a Free WordPress Template to Download?

No, we don’t have it. In our blog we have a small set of paid options from the different authors.

Femi: How Can I Edit the Widget Form? Just a Little CSS Adjustment to Increase the Height or Width of the Forms Would Help

You can set the size of the form in settings of each form.

Global Safar: Do You Recommend Us to Add SSL Certificate to Our Landing Page?

Yes, we recommend. In 2018 it is must have features. In our blog we have a guide how to migrate from the http to https. You can use paid option as for example Comodo, or use free one – https://letsencrypt.org/.

John: Why Do You Have booking.com Campaign, Why Not Apply Directly to Booking.com?

For some of our affiliates it’s easier to work with other brands through us. We also might have better commission from the start.

Wajahat: The Agent for Flight Tickets Do You Vet Them Before Adding Them to the Platform? As Not All of Them Are Abta or Atol Protected Raising Risk for Customers.

Yes, we check all agencies we switch to our search.

Joanne: Can I Remove Store on Site as Amazon Cancelled It and Seems Website Has No Traffic to Want It

We’re not sure we can understand your question. Please provide more details to support@travelpayouts.com.

Lorraine: What About booking.com on Mobile Sdk?

We’re not allowed to show their prices in SDK.

Ben Bankhead: Why Each Offer Has Different Commission?

As they’re from different companies. They’re not our own services.

Omar: Hi. Do You Have a Beginners Guide?

Yes, you can find it here.

John: Should We Mask Affiliate Links, Google Doesn’t Like Them and Penalises Websites. Do You Have Advice on This

I consulted our SEO manager on this topic. You can shorten or mask them if you plan to use them in large volume.

Lars Kristensson: Do You Have API Solution for Ground Transportation?

No, we don’t have API for ground transportation.

Kenny Brown: Amtrak Is the Rail Service in the U.S. But I Don’t See Your Affiliation With Them.

We haven’t partnered with them yet. Our business developer will contact them. Thank you for suggestion.

Danish: If the User Have Disabled Cookies, Then How You Track Sales in 30 Days?

Sales won’t be tracked in this case. Even for us.

Destry Phillip Bartholomeusz: How Can We Link Travelpayouts on Social Media?

Here’re our Facebook page and Blog.

Francesco: Is It Possible to Add Package Tours in the Nearest Future?

Yes, we plan to add them in the future.

If you have more questions, please contact us – support@travelpayouts.com.

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