How to Write Unique Articles That Drive Traffic

Alexandra Belski Alexandra Belski
Reading time:  4  min.

There is no surprise that when it comes to marketing, your primary goal is to stand out and to get noticed. Your content is your main weapon and you need to make it visible on search engines. In this blog post, we have described some of the effective methods that will show you how to write unique articles the easy way.

How to write unique articles that drive traffic

Our post encompasses different methods of creating original content both manually and with the help of special tools, as well as will help you breathe new life into your website and engage more new visitors.

What Are Unique Articles

To generate unique content and rank high on Google, it’s vital to find the right approach. Uniqueness is not always about new extraordinary ideas or topics. A lot has already been said and written, so it’s hard. If at all possible, to produce brand new ideas. What really matters and has value is your approach and way of thinking.

The idea of uniqueness in a world where it is so hard to surprise other people is to make an old topic new again. Share statistics, trends, reorder, and recollect existing facts and ideas, change the angle and perspective, apply an individual style of writing, and so on.

Do not chase 100% uniqueness, as this might lead nowhere. Instead, feel free to quote opinion shapers or any famous successful people whose words can back up your opinion and bring value to your text. The priority should be given to quality that will ensure more views and, thus, higher positions in search results. 

How to Write Unique Articles: Best Practices

If you wonder how to create unique articles, we’ve gathered a few methods of generating original content for a blog or website.

Share Personal Experience

People often seek hands-on tips. If you have any related personal experience, why not leverage it and make an article 100% unique? Share your background and practice with others, such information is always interesting to read and is highly appreciated by the audience.

This tactic also ensures that you have a great new angle for your content and helps find topics to write articles about. You can either create a brand new blog post or develop an existing topic by sharing some real-life examples of your own.

Make sure to check all your posts for plagiarism, even if you write it from scratch. With as much content as the web has now, there is always a chance of a coincidence with someone else’s text, which search engines might consider plagiarism. To avoid this, use dedicated plagiarism checkers

Research Existing Content and Compile a More Comprehensive Guide

Chances are, similar content already exists on the internet, so your task is to outsmart them and provide valuable and unique content to your blog. Start with learning what your competition is up to. Look through the search results for your topic to see what’s already been covered. Now you need to find the gaps and tackle them. 

Read as many materials as possible. This will inspire you to generate more ideas or depict already existing ones from a different point of view. Other examples also can help you realize how to write a good article with the most comprehensive content. To cover a wider range of materials, you can use different article writing services that have a lot of useful functions, services, and content.

Your main goal is to get your content show up on the first page of the search results. Collect the best insights and ideas that come to your head from researching your competitors and make your article better with  a unique spin of thought. 

Translate Foreign Articles

What is a better way to explore a variety of existing content than to expand your contextual borders? If you speak more than one language, use it as your advantage and research foreign articles on the topic of your interest. This may be an additional source of information and ideas to further develop. 

When coming across a thought-provoking article in a different language, you may as well translate some of the ideas and use them to generate unique articles. It’s better to avoid a simple adoption of a thought and add something of your own to it. 


An easy way to rewrite your materials is to use synonymization, which allows you to paraphrase what you already have with the use of synonyms.   

There are two ways to go with this. You can utilize an application or a web service that will save your time. On the other hand, it may decrease the overall quality of the content. Alternatively, you can do this manually to save up on fee-based automated services and produce a high-quality text.

A lot depends on the type of text you want to produce. Synonymization is a good choice with technical or professional articles. As for blog posts written in a plain language with colloquialisms, this method might not work that well and will require the editing of produced texts manually.

Tools to Check Uniqueness

With the help of online services you can measure the uniqueness of your texts and avoid plagiarism. This will ensure higher positions in search results and, consequently, higher click-through rates.

The services that you may use to learn the percentage of uniqueness:

If there is any plagiarism detected, tools will highlight the phrases so you can polish the text.

Even though it may seem hard to generate unique articles, in reality it is not so. All you need is to find an individual approach and present thoughts and ideas from a new angle. You’ll rank high if you write for real users and bring them value instead of producing texts for the search engines. Thus, your content will always be original and drive traffic.

What to do if your blog post, photo, or video is stolen