Google Play Updates (April 2018)

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  3  min.

Google Play – the official app store for Android, has been updated. Here, we will summarize the information about the update and share the comment of Ilya Kukharev from Aviasales’s mobile application team. He shared information about the opportunities that this update allowed for applications based on the Travelpayouts SDK.

Mobile apps

What Changed?

The main changes were made in the game sections. Nevertheless, the searching for any application (not only games) came to be much easier. This update allows developers to attract the audience easier. The main changes are:

  • Recommendations of games – before they were based on 70 categories; now on 200;
  • Two new games’ sections – “Premium” and “New”;
  • Video in the SERP;
  • A new section – Editor’s Choice;
  • Album screenshots (horizontal).

Album screenshots (horizontal);

Not only was the games’ section updated, but the other applications have also been improved. Google aimed to make the search and display results more user-friendly. All application owners who use the latest developments will get a chance to increase the number of installations.

The change is seen immediately after opening Google Play, as the start page of the store has changed. The recommendations are now more accurate, and the apps have different shapes. The last one, because of the new options for placement that have appeared, such as video and album screenshots.

The application page now shows the position of the application in the category – this offers more reliance to the user and increases the conversion to download.

The application page now shows the position of the application in the category

Furthermore, Editor’s Choice has been added. This is the section where store moderators share collections of applications, for example, for budget planning, for a healthy lifestyle or for travel.

Ilya Kukharev, from Aviasales, clarifies that, if your application is based on the Travelpayouts SDK has some interesting features, then it is possible to get into these collections. This means that you have to make a unique application, including Travelpayouts SDK features but not limited just to them.

On the market, there are already flight tickets and hotel bookings applications so, to win the competition, try to add extra value for the users and, who knows, maybe Editor’s Choice will help you in the free promotion of your app. Regarding other free methods of ASO, you can learn on this page.

Another new section is “What’s new?” – which appears at the top of the application page if it is not already installed. Thus, when the user enters the page, s/he immediately sees the latest updates, where you, as an application owner, can specify about some promotions and offers, and increase the Retention index.

What’s new?

The recent updates can now also be seen in the “My apps & games.” Before clicking to update, the user can extend the full description and see what’s new.

Google Play Instant

One of the most awaited innovations in the Google Play – Instant feature is available only for games and only in the closed test mode. We are looking forward to the release of the feature for all developers and all categories.

Google Play Instant is a technology that allows users to try an application or game without installation. More information on how this works is described in the official Google blog.

This is a technology that will have a significant impact on ASO, marketing and the mobile application market in general after release. The developers will have the opportunity to provide demo versions of their products both for free promotion, but big-size solutions (100 Mb or more), and for demonstrating opportunities for subsequent purchases.

Perhaps, the release will be announced on May 8–10 on the upcoming Google I/O .

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