Top 10 Affiliate Mistakes Made by Most Imer’s

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  4  min.

We decided to dwell on the affiliate mistakes frequently made by our partners and remind of our rules once again. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.


Many partners face the same problems. “I’ve spent a lot of money and efforts to attract traffic to my site. But my commission does not cover advertising costs”. Familiar? If you are still thinking that it is enough to create a site, join the affiliate program and wait for the money accruing to your personal account, sorry, but you’re wrong. So let’s speak on the most popular partner’s mistakes.

Waiting for an Immediate Result

I’ve purchased a domain, made a travel blog, posted the affiliate link on my site. Where is the money?

What should I do?
Write helpful content for users. It is not enough to post a link or a form in a useless text. You should constantly work and spend many efforts, since there is no free money. Even if you spend 1-2 hours a day on the development of your project, soon it will be repaid and bring in a desirable income. But not instantly.

Wrong Promotional Materials Posting

I’ve heard that it is better to place ads in the header. But somehow, it doesn’t work in my project.

What should I do?

Actually, to place ads under the header is a bad idea, because the user comes to your site for content, so he or she immediately scrolls the header of the site. To learn more about the right place for your banner or search form, read the article “How to choose the right place for ads”. Do not rely on widgets or banners in sidebars (columns to the left or to the right of the main content block). In practice, users simply don’t pay attention to sidebars and their content, because they are accustomed to the annoying ads put there. It is better to place meaningful links in the text and widgets in the articles, suggesting using them in future.

Implementing White Label on a New Site

No purchases using White Label.

What should I do?
Do not use our flights and hotels White Label when it deals with blogs or projects with low brand awareness, as this reduces the conversion of visitors into customers. Moreover, White Label, except the homepage, is not indexed by search robots. Therefore, if you are planning to promote your site in the search engines, it is better to place the search form.

Complaining of Low Conversion

There is traffic, but no booking.

What should I do?

Make sure that your traffic is travel-oriented and learn the keywords making users come to you. If your users create a lot of searches, but purchase nothing, you should examine the report on popular destinations in your personal account. It will help you find out what destinations interest your users. It may happen that you write about some exotic locations, but the visitors may be only interested in the fact whether there are any flights to these places and their cost. Don’t forget to explore world news, because they influence the travel market significantly.


I’ve posted my affiliate link on the thematic forums and communities in social networks, but they banned me.

What should I do?
Post links on your own sites, or third-party platforms with the permission of the administration. We think that you won’t like, if your community in the social network is spammed with useless ads without permission. And the owners of the affected communities come to us and scold our brand. So let us get on well and earn honestly.

Do Not Place Our Offers in Malware Apps


I’ve created a browser extention, but they banned me.

What should I do?

Creating toolbars and extensions, that will change important system files without user permission is strictly prohibited, not by law in many countries, but our own rules as well. You can create toolbars and extensions, but, please, contact us, if you are unsure about your idea.

Using Traffic From PPC to Bring Users to Aviasales/Hotellook


I’ve provided Aviasales/Hotellook with a thousand users from PPC. Where is the money?

What should I do?

PPC aimed at attracting users to all domain options of Aviasales and Hotellook is not just prohibited, but it is not even taken into account in the personal account. You can direct traffic from the ads to your sites and White Label, but remember that it is prohibited to use our brand names in ads.

Using the Names of Affiliate Agencies and Airlines in Your Domain

I’ve purchased the domain, implemented search forms, but they banned me.

What should I do?
Choose another domain. Our partners (ticket agencies and airlines) pay money to us, as well as to you. When you use the name of another brand in your site address, you interfere with the promotion of their resource. And they have the right to bring an action against you for violation of trademark. If the agency or airline comes to us with similar complaints, we are compelled to ban the partner.

Attacking Customer Support Service at the Drop of a Hat


I’ve registered in the network, but I don’t know how to get started. What type of traffic is allowed? What is an average partner’s commission for air ticket sales?

What should I do?

These and similar questions are frequently asked by newbies. So we have provided a knowledge base containing useful articles about first steps, rules and much else. If you do not find an answer to your question, try to enter it in the search box on the page. If this doesn’t help either, please contact us at

Blaming Our Company and Staff for Stealing


I don’t understand why my income differs each time. I’ve booked, but you’ve appropriated it.

What should I do?

We do not deceive anyone. Our company operates for a long time and we’ve already got a lot of well-known and reputable investors. Each quarter we are audited by the company belonging to the “Big Four”. We are also interested in our impeccable reputation. We won’t engage in “stealing” of your bookings.

Granting commission or not depends on your compliance with the rules of the affiliate network (see above). Increase or decrease of the commission is due to the cancellation of booking, changes in dollar rate or in case of discrepancy with the agencies. Commission percent depends on partner programs’ terms.

In case you have some difficulties or questions, please contact our support team at

Please comment on your own affiliate mistakes, or add something new to those mentioned above.

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