Happy New Year!

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  2  min.

The year, 2017, is coming to an end, and this year was significant for each of us. We, Travelpayouts, has been trying to make you pleased with the online-travel market. From both your small and big victories, our team has gotten inspiration and strength. Thanks to you, we reached such remarkable success. Let’s remember together what was the most memorable in the outgoing year.

Results of 2018 for Travelpayouts affiliates network

As a tradition, at the beginning of January, we met in Las Vegas (USA) at the Affiliate Summit West, the world’s largest partner marketing conference. We attended this summit for the fourth time, with the company’s booth and unlimited determination. It is delightful that we have been known abroad widely. We offer solutions that anyone else cannot provide you, conduct market research and follow the market trends.

Following the trends, we have quickly updated our tools and create new ones. For example, we transferred all our tools to a secure protocol. Now, the primary traffic comes from mobile devices, and we offer partners a new Mobile SDK where hotel search is added. Any of our partners can make their mobile applications in a few hours. The massive popularity of messengers was not unnoticed, and so we released low prices for popular messengers.

Travelpayouts, as a brand, celebrated its 5th birthday this year. We celebrated this moment with the registration of 150 000th partners. The starting of Aviasales and Hotellook on the platform of our White Label enabled us to collect more partners with better tools.

We are getting closer to you – it is essential for us to know what you need. Many webmasters and advertisers has worked closely with Travelpayouts managers, presenting innovative ideas and publishing their priceless experiences. In previous years, we began to conduct a blog, webinars and build discussions on social networks. In 2017, we went even further – we brought the communication between affiliate networks, advertisers, and webmasters to the new level. In September 2017, we held the first conference on the online travel affiliate marketing – Travelpayouts Affiliate Summit.

We have not focused only our own income, but it is essential for us to develop affiliate marketing in travel market. This is a promising direction, which we will continue to develop and all toghther we will reach new heights.

See you in 2018!

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