Kiwitaxi: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  3  min.

We have collected the 5 most popular questions on working with the Kiwitaxi affiliate program. Take a look and check how well you know the basic tools of the offer and whether you use them correctly.

Which Kiwitaxi Promotional Materials Are Most Effective?

There is no exact conversion data of widgets, links and White Labels. Depending on the web source and the audience, the same advertising material may produce opposite results.

At the initial stage of working with an offer, choose several formats and test which one brings more bookings.

According to the experience of webmasters who work with Kiwitaxi, deep links give a high number of clicks and orders. Each deep link leads to a certain route. Users do not need to wander around the entire resource. They immediately go to the request page and see the current prices.

In general, links and widgets are more suitable for content projects. White Label is appropriate for resources that offer related services and, as a rule, each service has a separate page. White Label is also suitable for landing pages where traffic will be directed to.

What Is the Best Place for Promo Materials?

It depends a lot on your web resource. Usually, webmasters use promotional materials several times on the page and in different formats.

We recommend placing materials at the beginning, middle and end of the page. The main thing is that the mention of the service should organically be woven into the context and not look like an obvious advertising.

The exception is White Label. In the article, the deployed WL looks bulky and inappropriate. Therefore, we recommend placing it on a separate URL, where you can easily get from the main page of the site, the site header, or the main menu.

Which Content Brings the Most Conversion?

Relevant, structured and useful.

According to the experience of successful partners, a lot of orders come from texts on the subject ‘How to get to/from’. If the text is well written and contains a comprehensive answer to the tourist’s question, the services that you recommend will be trustworthy. In addition, the page with a good-quality text will already contain popular keys and requests.

To create useful content:

  • Examine the fears and needs of the audience so that you can touch them in the text.
  • Give readers a choice. Add other transport offers, tell about other ways of travel. Avoid excessive perseverance and advertisement.
  • Use videos and photos. This can be an image of a bus stop, a map, a metro map, etc.
  • Keep up to date. Check prices and route numbers periodically.
  • Refer to personal experiences and examples from your travels.

Which Destinations Have Higher Conversions?

Find out destinations with high profitability through an open report on transfers sales. Sales information is uploaded daily. We wrote more about the report in this article.

Its main feature is the ability to determine the top regions and routes in months, seasons at any time.

So, according to the results of 2019, most often tourists booked transfers in Turkey, Russia, Italy, France and Spain.

The most popular destinations in 2019 were:

  • New Istanbul Airport → Sultanahmet District in Istanbul
  • Sheremetyevo Airport, Moscow → Central District Moscow
  • Pulkovo Airport, Saint Petersburg → Central District of Saint Petersburg
  •  New Istanbul Airport → Beyoglu District, Istanbul
  • Sultanahmet District in Istanbul → New Istanbul Airport

The given ratings are relevant for all countries. If you work with a specific country and language, you can configure the necessary report filters and see where your audience orders transfers most often.

Which Transfer Classes Have Higher Conversions?

The class of transfer depends on the tourists needs. Within the same route one family with a child and a small suitcase, will order an economy class transfer, the other – with two children and more luggage, will order a minivan. In this case, price will not be a determining factor, but the capacity will.

We recommend promoting not a transfer class, but a route.

Even if your audience are budget tourists who are only interested in the economy class, they can choose a more expensive transfer. For example, if they are traveling in a group and the price per individual passenger is suitable for them.

Want more clarification or you have another question? Write in the comments or to the personal manager of Travelpayouts.

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