New Feature for Automatic Referral Attraction in Travelpayouts

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  2  min.

We have launched a new feature for automatic referral attraction in Travelpayouts. It does not require any action from you. All you have to do is activate the “Powered by Travelpayouts” label on your dashboard under the widgets. Code replacement is not required, and the function is turned on and off via the dashboard. The inscriptions contain a link with your affiliate marker for registration on the Travelpayouts network.

New feature for automatic referral attraction in Travelpayouts

How It Works

You activate the inscriptions, and we will do everything else. After activation, the inscription will appear under each widget with a link to registration. For example:


The feature is also available on White Label projects:

White Label

The person who registers in the Travelpayouts affiliate program via this link is then assigned to you, and you will receive a referral reward.

We checked and the inscription does not affect conversion rates. Moreover, the link in the widget does not affect your SEO. It is closed by the nofollow tag, and is therefore not considered by search engines.

You can turn off the feature at any time. You don’t need to change the code on your website to enable or disable the label. It’s done on your dashboard by one click.

What Will You Get

You will get 7% of our income that is generated by your referral for two years after you register your referral.

Referral reward is 7% of our income is generated by your referral, and we pay referrals at the expense of Travelpayouts. This means that the earnings of the involved partner do not decrease in any way. We reduce our own earnings to pay the referral fee. We already wrote in detail about our referral program

In 2021/2022 alone, we paid $36,751 to referral program members. The highest payouts are:

Referrer’s Revenue for the Last 12 MonthsReferrals Who Earn with Travelpayouts

Now you have the opportunity to attract referrals automatically. All you need is to activate the inscriptions. 

Widgets with the “Powered By Travelpayouts” button are one of the ways to attract referrals. With Travelpayouts, you can try many approaches. For example, you can add referral links to the visible locations of your projects or use the brand directory to share well-known, trusted brands that Travelpayouts partners can earn with. You can find all the tips in our article.

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