Webinar Q&A: “Your Ultimate Summer Guide to High Profits”

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  9  min.

June 18 we held a webinar “Your ultimate summer guide to high profits”. On this page we have collected answers to all questions from the webinar. If you want to see recording, please use this link.

Erlend: Will This Webinar Be Recorded, and Can We Get the Link to It Afterwards?

Answer: Surely, here is the link to the blog post with all details, links and the video: http://travelpayouts.com/blog/webinar-summer-guide-to-high-profits/

Isa Camara: I Have a Travel Website, How Can I Use a Widget in My Site to Promo Offers? How Can I Create Landing Pages?

Answer: Isa, use the trends we recommend, create landing pages for popular events to fully equip your traffic. The fastest growing segment is tours and activities — try to focus on it. Any free landing page builder can be used to create this kind of landing pages. Another cool way is to create a page on Facebook and publish there last-minute or popular or really cheap tickets there.

Then subscribe to offers in your Travelpayouts dashboard and get access to widgets. A detailed instruction is here https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us/categories/200359097.

Learn more how to use widgets via the link.

Viral Kothari: How to Increase Traffic for My Website?

Answer: In our blog we have collected all post related to the traffic on this page. There you would find the tips on how to increase organic and paid traffic.

If you are a beginner in website development, we can recommend you to read our guide https://read.travelpayouts.com/en/how-to-build-website-guide-for-beginners/ on how to build and monetize your travel website.

Kan: How to Market?

Answer: Try to understand your target audience and their needs, create relevant content and embed relevant offers from Travelpayouts affiliate network. Update your content in accordance with the trends and seasons.

Alemape-Tours: I Use the Plugin for Wp and Prepared the White Label to Get It Into My Pages. Is There Any Support to Take Control if It Is Built Incorrectly? – How to Reach?

Answer: our support team will be happy to take care of that. Please, email them any concerns directly: support@travelpayouts.com

Nomvuyo: Can I Use a White Label and Still Have a Blog Within and How Do I Switch to the White-Label Option?

Answer:  White label can be used to create a page on your website so that a user doesn’t leave your website to make a booking. A more detailed instruction on the use of our white label is here https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us/articles/203955753-What-is-White-Label-by-Travelpayouts.

Nadeem: I Developed Travelnstay.com. What Tools Travelpayouts Have to Promote It? Nadeem From the USA.

Answer: Travelpayouts do not provide the tools for promotion of the affiliate websites, but we are teaching affiliates on how to promote. Nadeem, you could find useful marketing tips in our blog.

Michael Gbinije: How to Search for Trends? What Website to Use?

Answer: Michael, we publish popular destinations for all offers on a regular basis — just read our blog! Also, you can subscribe to our social media to be the first to read our posts:

Dan: Can You Explain How the Mobile App Works and How to Connect to My Website, Please

Answer: you can build your own mobile app under your own brand with our SDK. It’s completely free! A detailed instruction is here: https://www.travelpayouts.com/sdk/. Remember that if the user downloads your app, then all bookings that this user makes will bring your profit! Normally, a cookie file is stored for 30 days, but in case your mobile app is downloaded, you get the profit from the user bookings forever. You can add your app to AppStore or GooglePlay and promote it on your website.

You could learn more in our webinar.

Viral Kothari: I Also Made a Mobile App for App Store but It Says Travelpayouts and Not My Website Name That Is Makemytravelin

Answer: Regarding mobile apps — read this email, it should make things really clear http://e.aviasales.ru/view.html?x=a62b&m=ad&y=d&show_schedule=yes

If you are using a White Label app, please check this article: https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003833052

Manoj Chauhan: Please Recommend Best Performing Affiliate Websites to Get an Idea

Answer: We’ve collected the inspiring collection of affiliate niche websites ideas on this page. Hope it would inspire you.

Nasim Khan: Some Time Search Result Goes to the Russian Language Why/ Nadeem: Sometimes the Flight Search Goes to Russian Language Vendor Instead an English Site to Purchase Air Tickets

Answer: Nasim and Nadim, if you see any kind of bugs we highly recommend you to let us know about it — otherwise we’re not able to find out what went wrong. Please, send screenshots to support@travelpayouts.com.

Pawel: Do You Have Some Tips for People Who Use Facebook Ads? 🙂 What Others Are Doing?

Answer: read our blog: http://travelpayouts.com/blog/. You can start with these articles:

Isaac: Is Ok to Remove Powered by Travelpayouts?

Answer: Isaak, you can definitely remove this part by unchecking it in your dashboard

Joseph zume_1: I Have a Travel Affiliate Website. How Much Will It Cost Me to Build My Own White Label?

Answer: if you already have a travel affiliate website, then it will cost you nothing. Read more about our label: https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us/articles/203955753-What-is-White-Label-by-Travelpayouts

Dan: Is There a Way to Clone the Empty Ios App to Android?

Answer: There is no automatic way to clone any iOS app to Android. You could make a new app based on the iOS app, but you would anyway need to write the new code.

Pawel:  I’m doing big volume in the finance vertical with Facebook Ads and want to go into travel – do you have some tips for me? What are the best offers for that and what model (blog)?

Answer: We are really in love with TicketNetwork and it looks like the best offer for Facebook traffic. Offers that relate to entertainment — tours, events, activities — are among the first options to choose from.

Viral Kothari:  I am not able to see such offers on my dashboard for sports

Answer: Go to the offers list and check for offers that relate to activities and events. You can promote the activities that you choose.

Subbaraya: How to Increase Website Speed

Answer: in you use WordPress, you may look for some plugin, such as Super Cache. In case your website runs on another CMS try to decrease the amount of request for the database and set the cache. Also you can find the tips in our guide. https://read.travelpayouts.com/en/how-to-build-website-guide-for-beginners/

Tamer: In a Sales Report, There Is a Column Under Ctr and Always I Find Revenue Showing but Not Added to the Total Earnings. What Is Ctr and Why It Is Not Added to the Earned Commissions / Tamer: What Is Ctr and Why It Is Not Added to the Earned Commissions

Answer: CTR is a click-through rate which means a ratio of clicks number to searches number. This is not your revenue. The amount of revenue will be showed in Revenue column.

Michael Gbinije: How to Search for Trends

Answer: Michael, you could track the global trands on the Google – https://trends.google.com/trends/?geo=US. Also subscribe to our social media and read our blog – http://travelpayouts.com/blog/, we would keep you updated.

Archie: Do We Get a Copy of This / Multipleconnection: How Can I Watch This Offline or Later, Please

Answer: Sure, here is the blog post with all details: http://travelpayouts.com/blog/webinar-summer-guide-to-high-profits/

Savuth: Can We Translate to Another Language?

Answer: Most of our tools are available in several languages, some of the tools are available in 59 languages. In each particular case, you shall check in the offer description. In case you would like to add the new language, that have not yet presented, please contact us: support@travelpayouts.com, we would collaborate on the translation.

Subbaraya: Do You People Make a Video on How to Build a White Label Travel Website?

Answer: that’s a great idea! We will think of making a video or a webinar on the basics of building a white label travel website.

Viral Kothari: Do We Get This Ppt???

Answer: surely, the presentation is published as a pdf file in the blog post: http://travelpayouts.com/blog/webinar-summer-guide-to-high-profits/

Joseph zume_1: Do You Have Any Cruise Affiliate to Recommend?

Answer: If you are talking about cruise affiliate programs, we can recommend you HopaYacht.com – a global yacht rental service. They offer 50% of their revenue from each order.

Nadeem: Do You Have Any Tools/Resources to Create Backlinks?

Answer: at this moment, we don’t have such tools.

Palak: Do You Guys Charge a Fee for Integrating Apis?

Answer: we don’t charge any fee, it’s completely free of charge! Find more about the API in our knowledgebase – https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us/categories/200358578.

Michael Gbinije: What About Guided Tours, City Touristic Buses, City Passes, Etc? Is It Possible to Monetize It Also?

Answer: of course! Such offers can bring you a significant profit. Please, refer to your dashboard at Travelpayouts: https://www.travelpayouts.com/campaigns?category=6 and search for Tour/Activities offers.

Dan: How Do I Link the Ios App to My Website

Answer: build both products under one brand and provide a direct link to let your users download it.

Nasim Khan: smart fare is giving a very very low commission. only I got 5 dollars on 1300 dollar booking. why they have been added here at such low commission / Michael Gbinije: on the other hand, smart fare converts better! / Viral Kothari  smartfare… sastiticket… cheaptickets and few more are giving very few commission

Answer: some airlines and agencies pay a fixed commission which doesn’t depend on the ticket price. We mention it in our article: How much do I earn from a ticket sold through me? The commission is always calculated per booking, not per passenger.

Joseph zume_1: What Is the Best Way to Contact Travelpayouts?

Answer: Jozeph, here is our support team – support@travelpayouts.com.

Shahram: Sometimes Prices Are Much Higher Than Other Competitors, Why?

Answer: Prices might be different because OTAs can vary the prices for each metasearch. We’re trying to get better deals in any case. Difference in prices is quite common, sometimes our prices are lower, sometimes a bit higher than at other metasearch engines.

Jarda: I Am Missing a Search Form to Fly From a City or Country to Anywhere, Do You Plan to Put This Extension in the Future?

Answer: It’s a great idea which we will consider, but unfortunately it’s not on our roadmap for the nearest future. Meanwhile you can use our Map widget: https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us/articles/203638518

Manoj Chauhan: Assume I Have a Website and I’m Referring All Clients via Affiliate Links. If a Client Faces Any Issue Who Will Take Care of Customer Relationship

Answer: Regarding any payment/ticket issues the customers should contact the airline or ticket issuing agency directly. As for any technical issues on our side, you or your customers can contact us directly.

Molly: Will You Have an Instant Chat Option for Your Affiliates to Address Any Questions and Concerns Instantly?

Answer: we don’t have a live chat, our support team usually answers within one business day. Here is their email address: support@travelpayouts.com.

Viral Kothari: Making Mobile App Will It Come in Store as Our Brand or Travelpayout?

Answer: it will be under your brand.

Viral Kothari: We Old Members Are a Loss for Not Getting the Advantage of Promo Code

Answer: Actually, you win, since you’ve been earning with Travelpayouts for some time already, while the new users are only about to start!

Manoj Chauhan: Is Mobile App for the Android Device Also?

Answer: we have an SDK for Android as well: https://www.travelpayouts.com/sdk/

Nasim Khan: How Much Percentage Discount Should We Write on Our Website

Answer: we offer the cheapest fares, so, probably, offering the best price would be the better message.

Jan Stotz: Once I Get Above 50$, When Do I Get Paid?

Answer: add your payment details and you’ll be paid between 10 and 20th of each month. Don’t forget to add your payment details and check if your account is activated!

Manoj Chauhan: What Will Be the Best-Paid Marketing Channel?

Answer: it definitely depends on your strategy, content and type of resource.

It also for sure depends on your target audience.

We recommend you to read PPC-related articles on our blog: http://travelpayouts.com/blog?s=ppc&submit=

P.S. Just a small tip — we recently tried Instagram stories using 3 pictures in a row. AWESOME format that really converts.

Viral Kothari: Why Agencies From India Pay Too Low Commission? As Low as $0.5

Answer: there isn’t enough data to answer this question. Please, send an email to our support team to find out: support@travelpayouts.com.

Anthony: can someone assess our website https://hospitality.tomprop.com/

Several tips from us:

  • Currently, your logo indicates selling real estate http://prntscr.com/o3y4j4 – looks like a bug
  • Content is king! Add useful articles and tips & tricks for your potential clients. That will positively affect traffic volume on your website.
  • Try to explain who you are and why your clients should trust you
  • In general, your whitelabel looks pretty good, but this will only work as a part of something bigger – like a normal travel website.

Joseph zume_1: About My Payment Information, Does It Matter Whether I Add My U.S. Bank Account or PayPal?

Answer: you can choose the option you prefer. However, there are slightly different payout conditions: https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us/articles/206635007-How-can-I-receive-payout-

Seb: Is Making Money With Travelpayouts Based on Blog Posts

Answer: We provide tools for almost any type of a travel-related web resource. You can go as simple as giving a referral link to your friends and end up by building your own mobile app.

Molly: Have a Disclaimer Page About All Your Affiliate Numbers

Answer: We provide most of the information here, including the top monthly payouts: https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us

Molly: Can You Add More Widgets and Multiple Widgets Options About Top Deals? It Can Definitely Speed up Things for Us 😀

Answer: Great idea! Could we ask you to describe it in more detail and send it to our support team: support@travelpayouts.com.

Emad: I Hope There Will Be Support for the Gulf Region and the Middle East. Especially With Regard to E-travel Agencies in the Region Especially as They Have Local Means of Payment

Answer: Travelpayouts unites more than 50 affiliate programs, and some of them support the Middle East. Moreover, we have already translated some of our tools (such as flight search forms or White Label) in the Arabic and other RTL languages. Please, check your personal dashboard to find out the suitable options.

Ryan: What Is the Website With the Top Payout You Ever Made?

Answer: we cannot reveal the names, but we share the numbers here: https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us.

Viral Kothari: Making Mobile App Will It Come In Appstore or Google Play Store as Our Website Name or as Travelpayout?

Answer: It is published under your name

Viral Kothari: Ok Because I Made a Mobile App but Am Not Able to Locate It on Appstore… Can I Get Help for Making It???

Answer: Please look our previous webinar – http://travelpayouts.com/blog/webinar-mobile-marketing-things-you-did-wrong/, we have discussed how to pass the moderation in AppStore. You could always contact AppStore team or read this article https://appmanager.io/blog/tips-and-tricks/uploading-an-ios-app-to-the-app-store-updated/

Seb: What Happens if I Have Kayak Widget but the User Decides to Do a Search on Kayak Site Directly?

Answer: if this user goes to Kayak, doesn’t buy anything, and returns directly to Kayak website within 30 days, then you’ll get profit from this user’s purchase on Kayak. In essence, that’s how the cookie file works. At Travelpayouts, we store cookies for 30 days for most offers within our affiliate network.

Viral Kothari:  is it possible to get help for making a mobile app (iOS and google play)???

Answer: Please, follow this link: https://support.travelpayouts.com/hc/en-us/articles/203854126-Creation-of-a-mobile-application-using-SDK

At the same time, whenever you have a question about our tools, feel free to drop an email to our support team – support@travelpayouts.com

Subbaraya: Do You People Make a Video on How to Build a WordPress Travel Website?

Answer: probably, we’ll do it in the nearest future, or, at least, make a webinar.

Viral Kothari: India Is a Huge Market Please Try and Increase Commission % As Somebody Booked a Ticket for $44 and Got a Commission of Just $0.27

Answer: Flight tickets is the market with the low margin. We have already in detailed describe, how much would bring one ticket. Averagely commission is around 1,6% on the ticket price, but it could be lower or higher – depends on the route, airline and tariff.

What to do if your blog post, photo, or video is stolen