How to Write an A-B Text That Will Sell Thousands of Transfers

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  13  min.

The goal of your site content is to convert traffic into sales. That’s why you should not mindlessly drive traffic to your landing page if you are not confident about its content. Kiwitaxi has studied the most successful cases of our top partners — webmasters and created the full guide on writing a “How to get from A to B” text that sells. If you use all the recommendations collected here, you will be guaranteed to receive a highly converting text.

1. Structure of the Article

Almost all our webmasters stick to the classical structure, only sometimes changing the blocks within a text. Every text about transportation usually contains:

  • A description of the departure point
  • Modes of transport departing from this point
  • A detailed description of each mode including information on stops locations, prices, timetables, and travel time
  • Specifics of a night trip

This is a core which webmasters frame with some additional facts that make the article stand out among others. The more such facts it has, the more interesting and useful the article is for a reader, which means he/she will stay on your page longer and:

  • either get to the selling point himself/herself;
  • or increase the value of the page for search engines which will lead to getting a higher position in search results and get more visitors.

2. Content Part

WHERE TO FIND THE CONTENT: if you are not a travel blogger, rely on the experience of others. Read texts on the topic on top 10 pages given by several search engine results. You can also find useful data on transportation in the Wiki source, Free Travel Guide. Good advice and current prices can be found on the most popular forums for tourists: Tripadvisor, Yelp, TravelStackEnchange and so on. They accumulate the experience of hundreds of independent travelers and update much faster, than static pages on sites.

HOW MUCH TO WRITE: minimum 3500 characters, so that search engines regard your text as an article.

Valuable Advice:

  • Do not steal the content. When using the facts from somebody’s page, always rewrite them in your own words. It is not just about the ethics (although about it, too) but, first of all, about a ban which you can get from Google, Yahoo, Bing, or AOL for theft of someone’s intellectual property.
  • Mind the date of publication. Prices and routes may change significantly in 6 months or a year.
  • Check the commentaries: there, travelers can refute the facts stated in the article or even add on their own impressions of the route.
  • Cut the waffle. Here is an example.

This is a bad text:

Travellers wishing to do sightseeing independently after arriving in Barcelona may use the car rental service right at El Prat. In order to rent a car, it is necessary to contact the company providing this service in advance.

The same information can be conveyed in a shorter way without losing the idea:

It is possible to rent a car at El Prat — one just needs to call the service at the airport one day in advance.

Also, we gathered the working hacks our top partners use. Use all of them to make your material useful and converting.

Share Your Own Unique Experience

This will make your articles valuable in the reader’s eye. If you mention the features, only an expat or experienced traveler may know, you will become an expert for the reader. It means, your advice to book a transfer will be favorably received.

Do Not Be Afraid to Appeal to Advantages of Transfer When Discussing Other Aspects

Transfer beats any other mode of transport in any point except for the price. Remind your readers about it, when you are writing about the sultriness on a bus, a complex change on a train, or waiting for a shuttle bus at the stop.


Note! Be careful with transfer mentions, because…

Do Not Be Pushy: Discuss Pros and Cons of Every Transport Mode

As soon as the reader suspects you of the bias, your chances to sell him/her a transfer will drop to zero. Describe honestly both the advantages of a bus and a taxi.

Add Maps or Pictures of the Buildings

It is relevant if we talk about a transport hub: an airport, a train station, or a bus station. It is easy to get lost inside, and your schemes or photos may help a tourist find the right way. The more pictures of the particular objects you place, the better. They can be ticket offices where one can buy tickets, signs to platforms or information counters. write captions to the pictures in the language your readers will understand.

Note! It is the map which can help you convince the reader that the public transport stop is located very far, and it is easy to get lost in a huge airport. This may also stimulate your reader to book a transfer.

Describe in Detail All the Options for Buying Public Transport Tickets

It is great if you have photos of ticket machines or ticket offices. Tell if a tourist should validate the tickets, where they can be checked and by whom, which fines are provided for stowing.

Note! The more complicated and puzzling the algorithm of buying and validating tickets is, the more doubts the reader will have: if it is worth booking a transfer to make the trip easier.

3. Block About Transfers

Devote a separate paragraph to transfers. Organize the text bearing in mind your target audience and use the hooks relevant for it. For example, if mothers with babies read your blog, write about child seats. For ski lovers, an important advantage will be the space for ski equipment in a car.

The more precisely you see who you are selling transfers to, the better you can formulate your offer.

Here Are the Typical Hooks for Different Target Groups:

  • Families with children: a child seat, a fast ride (no problems with sleep and nutrition), a possibility of stops (to go to a bathroom, or have a bite), a big trunk for a pram;
  • Inexperienced tourists and paranoids: a meeting at an airport in a specified place, a ride to a hotel door, English-speaking hotline, a possibility to cancel or change the order, a prepaid booking;
  • Elderly or unhealthy tourists: a personal meeting, help with luggage, a calm manner of driving;
  • A group of tourists (sportsmen, businessmen): a big minibus for a group, an affordable price for one passenger, space for bulky baggage (skis, snowboard);
  • Visitors of hot/cold countries: an air-conditioner/ a heater, a fast ride, professional drivers (relevant for regions with a high rate of accidents).

You can describe one of the transfer advantages (or several) listed below:

Choice of Transfer

  • You can check taxi prices abroad in advance
  • You can choose from different car classes: from Micro to Minibus 19pax
  • You can learn the duration of a trip in advance
  • You can read the feedback about the company
  • 24/7 English-speaking support which will help to solve any problem

Transfer Payment

  • One can make a prepayment to secure the transfer and pay the rest to the driver
  • One can pay a trip in full by card online to avoid exchanging currency at an airport
  • The price of a transfer is always displayed in a favorable currency and is charged in a currency of a country the tourist is going to visit

Before a Trip

  • A customer receives a voucher which confirms the partial or full payment. The voucher is a rightful document
  • The voucher also contains information about the meeting and instructions (i.e. the meeting point)
  • The driver receives the information about your route and plans a trip in advance in order to bypass traffic jams in the shortest way

At an Airport/at a Meeting Point

  • The customer is met with a name sign at the arrivals area exit
  • The driver helps with baggage and accompanies him/her to the car
  • If a child seat is requested in the order, the driver helps to put it inside

In a Car

  • The driver respects traffic rules and keeps the speed limit comfortable for a client
  • The driver controls the sound and climate in a car (music or air conditioning is turned on only at the client’s request)
  • Optionally, there might be bottled water and entertainment for children (cartoons on a tablet)
  • Possible mini excursion on the route: the driver can tell something about the country or give useful advice for tourists

Upon Arrival

  • Help with unloading the trunk
  • Assistance with a hotel check-in if the clients do not know the language and need help

Do not highlight the paragraph about transfers visually: the less it looks like an ad, the more natural it looks in a text. Your task is not to overwhelm the reader with banners but to mildly encourage him/her to take a decision to book a transfer. Speaking about banners…

4. Placement of Links, Banners, and Widgets

Every webmaster chooses the promotional material (РМ) which will look best on his/her site. There is no perfect solution here, so you will have to rely on your sense of beauty.

There is only one rule of thumb: make sure to mention the transfer in a form of РМ at the beginning and at the end of the text but not more than 3 times per page.

There are 4 main types of РМ in Kiwitaxi:

  • Partner link (and a deep link)
  • WhiteLabel — a widget allowing to make a booking on the partner’s side
  • Standard widgets forwarding the client to Kiwitaxi website to complete the booking
  • Banners

We will look at each of them in detail.

Partner Link/Deep Link

If you put a link in your text, create an illusion of a private recommendation or personal experience. This is a good idea for long texts: you do not distract the reader from the content but unobtrusively and gently give him/her a chance to proceed to transfer booking if he is almost ready.

Deep link is a more converting variant of a partner link. It sends the reader to explore the particular route (i.g. the one your article is about). The client does not roam through the site but goes to a page with a call to action: to book a transfer.


This is a widget created with the iFrame technology, that is, a site embedded inside another site. The client uses the search, selects, and books a transfer on your domain and is forwarded to Kiwitaxi site only for payment, after which he/she returns to your site. This РМ has a significant advantage: having made a purchase on your site once, the client will most probably book transfers in the future via your site again, rather than directly.

But there is a substantial disadvantage, too: WL requires a lot of space. After entering A and B points, WL unfolds demonstrating all the car classes, and, if only the departure point is specified, it will show all the available routes. This visually tears the text apart. That’s why, it is not a good idea to put this widget in the middle of the article – either at the very end or in a particular section on your site.

In order to embed WL on your site in the best way possible, use its functionality in full:

  • 14 different design themes (you can choose colors for WL, matching to your site)
  • Language and currency choice (adjust the parameters to your target audience)
  • Option to hide the elements of design (make the form brighter or more compact at your discretion)
  • From → Where (set a default route that might be interesting for your client)

One more benefit of WL — it adapts to mobile devices.

You can have a look at our White Label real placements on our partners’ websites.



It is a good idea to insert it in the article. There are several types of widgets: vertical, horizontal, in different styles. This is a more space-saving solution than WL and it looks natural in a text. This widget helps to perform some simple actions, such as entering the pick-up and drop-off points, after which it forwards the client to Kiwitaxi website for purchasing.

Note! Customize widgets before placing them on your page as they have standard settings by default. If your article is devoted to a concrete route, align your widget with it. If you only have pick-up or drop-off locations, you can place only From or Where buttons. If it is possible to set a country by default, the widget can offer the most popular destinations there.

The easier it is for a visitor to make a booking, the bigger the possibility is that he/she really makes it. Widget presetting does not limit the user but it directs him/her to the targeted action – the booking. The visitor may select another route if it is needed.


Banner is the most ambiguous PM. Our statistic shows that the banner converts traffic much worse than the link or widget. The reason for that may lie in a banner blindness when a client consciously ignores any ad or has an installed Adblock.

However, if you use the banner together with the link, you can create your own РМ which, for example, will match to your site style.

Below is a great example how the partner uses graphics in the same style as his site, tying it to the partner link which results in a clickable banner:


In addition, take a look at a good example of a banner placement. It fits in the website’s design and interface very naturally, not annoying or distracting visitors but offering the service relevant to their needs. The webmaster did it wisely: he placed the banner under the heading “Hotel transfers”, directly telling visitors what kind of service they can have.


Anyway, a well-used banner placement will lead to a higher conversion together with partner links inserted in the text. Thus, you will have a chance to attract both «readers» and «visuals».

Here is the statistic on using our РМ in the partners’ texts:

  • WhiteLabel: a fully functional widget — CTR 11,36
  • Minimalistic widget with a dropdown menu — CTR 4,16
  • Block with the list of routes — CTR 2,29

These figures clearly demonstrate that your readers will willingly click on your unfolding widgets in order to see the prices and routes themselves. Use interaction in your articles in order to sell more.

5. Optimization

In order to stimulate traffic, it is not sufficient to write a cool text — it should also be optimized in a right way. SEO-specialists have their own secrets, and we can only recommend you some general rules, effective for all search engines:

    1. Your main key phrase will be “How to get from А to B”, the additional ones — “transport #1 from A to B”, “transport #2 from A to B”, and of course, “transfer from A to B”.
    2. Each of the keywords will have its own cloud of related words: for example, timetable, how much, price. You can learn which words should be used in your text with the help of the KeyWordFinder service.
    3. Be careful with optimizing. Three or four direct entries of the keyword in the article 6000-8000 characters long are enough. Also, do not use direct entries for all longtail queries. Simply add the required words in the neighboring sentences, and the search engine will connect them to each other in the search results.
    4. Do not forget about the correct text markup. You should insert keywords in the headings of the 1st and the 2nd levels, H1 and H2.
    5. Fill in the meta tags: title, description, and keywords.
    6. Check snippets in search engines: if they look bad, change the extract which they were taken from, and the snippets will be renewed in a while.

Note! The most important thing to remember is not to be carried away by optimization too much. Nowadays, both engine systems and readers value more the useful and interesting content. Our statistic clearly shows that full and detailed articles about the routes bring about a minimum number of refusals and a maximum number of bookings.

6. Ready Templates for Rewrite

If the article is already ready, you can use one of our templates for rewriting. Simply, rewrite this block of text for your needs and use it for sales in your article.
It is possible to get from A to B by individual transfer. You book a car in advance, specify the time and place of departure, and the driver meets you, helps you with luggage, and drives you to the airport quickly and comfortably. The price is fixed when booking and will remain so. Kiwitaxi offers 12 car classes: from Micro for 3 passengers to 19-seater minibuses. This means that you will definitely find a suitable car, even if you carry a lot of baggage or travel in a big company.
One more way to get from A to B is a Kiwitaxi transfer. It will be suitable for those who do not want to waste time searching for a taxi or waiting for public transport. You will get to your destination without changes and at a fixed price.

Booking a transfer is easy: choose the car capacity and class, specify where you should be picked up and dropped off, and order a child seat, if your child is traveling with you. It is possible to pay the trip online. In addition, you will not have to explain the way to a driver, as you specify the address when making a booking.
The most comfortable way to get from A to B is an individual Kiwitaxi transfer. Firstly, it is possible to choose a car of any class or capacity as well as to book a child seat or booster for your child. Secondly, a price for a trip will be known in advance already when booking and will not change. Thirdly, the polite driver will meet you with a name sign upon arrival, walk you to the car, help with luggage, and drive you to your hotel.

Besides, whatever country you visit, the 24/7 English-speaking customer support is ready to answer all your questions about the trip.
If you do not want to get from A to B by taxi or public transport, book an individual transfer — you will not have to run around looking for a car or wait for the public transport at the airport to travel with changes.

On Kiwitaxi website, choose a suitable car and specify the time and place of departure. The driver will meet you, help with baggage, and drive you to your destination as comfortably as possible. You can pay the trip online in the convenient currency: dollars or euro. Besides, the price will be fixed, and even traffic jams will not be able to affect it.
In order to get from A to B safely and comfortably, book a Kiwitaxi transfer. It is easy to make a booking: choose a car, specify the time and place of departure as well as your destination point. The driver will meet you, help with luggage, and drive you to the required address. Unlike in case of a taxi, you will not have to worry about the price: it is fixed and will not change. Besides, every Kiwitaxi driver definitely has a license, and all the cars are no older than 7 years and have air-conditioners.
You can book a private transfer from A to B in advance at a fixed price which remains the same if the point is within the city limits. The driver will meet you with a name sign in a specified place and drive you to B with comfort. In this case, the price will be even lower than of a taxi caught in the street.

There are eleven car classes to choose from: from a sedan to a 19-seater minibus. Travelling with children? Book a comfortable minivan with child seats. Carrying much luggage? You can book a spacious minivan. Travelling with a group of friends? Book a minibus: the cost of the trip for one person will be comparable to a city bus or train ticket.
Another comfortable way to get from A to B is a private transfer. The price is known in advance and is fixed when traveling to any point within B limits. The driver will track your flight arrival time and meet you with a name sign at the arrivals area exit. When planning a trip from the airport, it is important to take into account that flight delays and border control take a lot of time. Kiwitaxi included one hour of waiting in the cost of the service.

7. Summary

Sometimes, when we invite webmasters to develop together, they reply:

      • “I do not have much time for this”
      • “It is very complicated. Only expert can write such a cool article”
      • “It makes no sense to put so many efforts, wait for indexation, and have no guarantees of PM conversion”
      • “I have one page, I do not need more”

But, as you see in our instruction: in order to write a selling text, it is enough to follow a small list of rules. There are no secrets available only to the limited circle. The most important thing is your desire to write a great text and make it sell transfers. This action, performed only once, will bring you income again and again in the future.

If you have not ever decided on the experiment, it is high time to create a really selling landing page after reading our guidelines. If you have any questions, feel free to write us, Kiwitaxi, and we will help.

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