10 Examples of Niche Websites

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  9  min.

If you are reading this article, it is highly likely that you want to know what a niche website is, and whether it can really bring you tangible benefits. Theoretically, everything is possible, but to get to the bottom of it, let’s look at real examples. In this article, we will present you with a list of the most successful niche websites, which will hopefully inspire you to make money online by building your own site.

10 examples of niche websites

What Is a Niche Website?

Before diving into the profits, let’s define what a niche website is. It’s a specialized, theme-based web resource offering information, goods and/or services for a target audience.

It’s usually narrowly focused and dedicated to one field of expertise. A niche website is supposed to contain only relevant content such as videos, posts, articles, reviews, etc. This approach allows search engines to find those websites fast and offer them to the users as a response to their requests.

Niche sites are simply monetized. For example, through a partner network. 

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What Does a Successful Niche Site Look Like

Let’s look at the main driver of niche website success, which you might implement in the future. Such platform:

  • Helps people solve issues
  • Features search traffic from Google
  • Includes various types of content
  • Focuses on the brand’s development
  • Contains articles based on low competition keywords
  • Answers a specific range of questions
  • Features social media traffic

Keep a long-term objective in mind to build an extensive email list and promote your own products by means of your website.

Helping People

To succeed, you’ll need to yield benefits to others. In other words, good niche website examples provide their audience with optimal solutions to implement. Such platforms contain valuable information and give an opportunity for their readers to communicate, ask questions and get informative answers.

Besides tips and recommendations, the website should also present reviews and comparison charts, pricing and descriptions, hints and guides.

Different Traffic Sources

Social media is a crucial marketing channel for niche affiliate websites, but everything depends on the niche. Normally, social networks help build up the audience, reach potential customers and communicate with other influencers within your niche.

Google is the main “supplier” of the search traffic, and it brings the most relevant visitors that turn into leads and it increases the chances of getting more traffic. Use only high-quality link building for this purpose. Certainly, it is possible to buy traffic, but this option is rather expensive.

A Mix of Content Types

When building a content strategy, don’t forget about the main goal of intercepting a customer on their way to the purchase. Use the following types of content:

  • Product reviews
  • Informative articles
  • Rates and tops
  • Comparisons and overviews
  • News and announcements
  • Videos and photo galleries

Only use buyer keywords to optimize the content. There is no need to cover a broad variety of topics but it’s good to focus on a single niche. However, you can develop several themes within your website in case you have a solid budget.

Long-Term Goals

Over the long term, micro niche sites are designed for the development of client capacity and product sale. That’s why you should hit a variety of keywords within the niche and base them on their popularity and relevance to direct traffic to product listings.

Continual Growth

The content on the niche site provides the audience with true and relevant information. First, people get the knowledge they need, then second, it motivates them to open the website again and again in the future once they’ve received useful advice from it.

Old articles may contain outdated facts and mislead visitors, so don’t underestimate the importance of constantly updating your content. Besides, search engines can only increase your ranks through “fresh” content on the website, which is one more reason to publish new material every now and then.

10 Ultimate Examples of Successful Niche Websites

Travel: The Savvy Backpacker

The Savvy Backpacker

It’s one of the best niche site examples in terms of the content. The resource is dedicated to various aspects of traveling around Europe and helps to plan backpacking tours for any destination worldwide. One can find information about transportation, accommodations, finances and other nuances, to arrange an exciting and cost-effective journey.


Almost 80% of search traffic sees the high-quality content. If we add direct and social media visitors, 100% of traffic is organic.

Content Strategy

The content is well-structured and informative for every destination. You’ll be able to find out about the sights, cuisine, infrastructure, hotels, transportation and many more aspects of your future traveling. There are tips and recommendations on health care and financial expenditures as well. Also, you can find free online city guides and read advice from the locals.

What You Can Learn From This Website

Its versatility is impressive, and the design is coherent and clear. It implements one of the greatest niche site ideas, which is an opportunity to get tips directly from Europeans. Personal photos uploaded to the website help building trust in the community.

Fitness: The Athletic Build.com

The Athletic Build

It’s one of the brightest examples of niche websites that deal with a wide range of fitness topics, including vitamins, nutrition and other supplements. There’s a good mix of informative, entertaining and sales content on one website.


The website has managed to attract 168,600 visitors over the course of the last month. The main traffic sources are search engines. As for relevant keywords, there are over 48,672 of them on the website.

Content Strategy

Most of their content focuses on the male audience. The website gets revenue by taking part in the affiliate programs and the Amazon Associates program, as well as by displaying ads.

What You Can Learn From This Website

The platform has proven itself to be a credible resource and a trustworthy influencer to ensure high conversions. People buy products through their links because they trust reviews and recommendations published on the platform.

Education: LearnHowToBecome.org

Learn To Become

When building niche websites, pay attention to LearnHowToBecome.org which is an education platform delivering valuable information to those who plan on entering a university or a college. You can find out necessary information about any educational institution and related issues.


There are over 168,000 keywords attracting organic traffic. This top-ranking page deals mostly with education in the field of medicine.

Content Strategy

The platform practices a strong backlink strategy that confirms their cooperation with plenty of educational establishments. The content is remarkable for its multiple comparison grids helping people find the best colleges and schools. The income comes from CPA for every user who has chosen a certain college by subscribing to their news or inquiring additional information through their contact form.

What You Can Learn From This Website

In this website, you’ll admire a brilliant use of relevant keywords within the educational niche helping to reach out to potential students. This is definitely the right niche to use CPA or CPL model for generating income online.

Law career: LawyerEdu.org

Law career: LawyerEdu.org

This website covers educational topics within the jurisprudence field. That’s why it is a micro niche site example. The website is helpful for choosing where to build a law career and is notable for its customized design and HTML that’s not typical for affiliate resources in general.


The site gets over 30,000 visitors of organic traffic monthly. The majority of visitors come to the website from Google.

Content strategy

The website doesn’t feature thousands of articles and various types of content, but it offers enough information based on over 18,700 keywords. In general, each article covers one topic and perfectly addresses the subject. The revenue is generated by every action a user makes with a link.

What You Can Learn From This Website

The website has such a successful ranking due to how it presents the links.

Food: TheSpruce.com

The Spruce

If you are looking for niche website ideas in the household field, this relatively new resource might definitely inspire you. It covers various topics such as crafts, food and pets, and offers a lot of different content types for each topic. For example, the crafts section includes DIY ideas for applied arts. Also, the site is remarkable for its multiple recipes with videos and step-by-step guides with top-notch visualization.


Their monthly traffic is organic and constitutes near 30M visits. Taking into account that the project started in 2017, such rapid growth seems outstanding.

Content Strategy

There are videos, posts with the pinnable images and other interesting and useful types of content. The website features only contributor posts and avoids material from unknown visitors for the sake of content reliability.

What You Can Learn From This Website

Notably, the website managed to engage numerous influencers to get cool content for free in exchange for featuring every blogger. The traffic is exclusively organic.

Financial products: NerdWallet

Financial products: NerdWallet

The website delivers useful information about various financial products such as banking and investing, cards and wallets, loans and insurances, and more. There is also a special section dedicated to financial issues arising during travel.


The platform boasts 45M visits per month on the average, and the last six months have brought over 260M of readers. More than 89.99% of traffic comes from the USA. 1.05% of the total traffic is paid.

Content Strategy

The website gets revenue from the CPA offers that are generated for the diversity of financial establishments (banks, loaners, etc.). They manage to get high revenue – up to $200 per lead. The website helps to find a card with the lowest rate and the biggest cashback. You’ll take advantage of tools such as comparison charts, calculators, simulators and many more. Besides, it offers tailored insights to make individual propositions.

What You Can Learn From This Website

The platform has succeeded in a highly competitive niche that definitely requires significant time and funds to provide consistent income.

Blogging: MakingSenseofCents.com

Making Sense Of Cents

The blog’s author covers the financial aspects of developing your own website. They offer real estate solutions, ideas for getting a side job, career recommendations, financial tips for traveling and more.


426,600 users have visited the website over the last month. However, only 9.59% of the traffic comes from search engines. 0.96% of traffic is from referrals while 0.79% of visitors come from social networks. The rest of the traffic is direct or paid.

Content Strategy

The site generates income from hosting affiliates, selling courses and displaying ads. The blog’s creator Michelle Schroeder-Gardener gets Bluehost affiliate commissions and sells courses.

What You Can Learn From This Website

This is an example of how to successfully build an extensive email list and use it to promote your own offers and your affiliate’s products. The website founder managed to diversify her income so that her blog brings $120,000 monthly.

Career in music for women: FeMusician

Fe Musician

If you search for more creative niche website ideas, this platform could be a good illustration as it helps women find a job in the field of music, which is a narrow field of expertise.


The website has over 3,000 monthly visitors, about 31,000 Facebook followers and more than 9,000 followers on Twitter.

Content Strategy

The most valuable content on the website contains podcasts and tips on building an amazing music career. The authors create content to sell their membership course and promote private coaching. They’re even engaged in affiliate marketing.

What You Can Learn From This Website

Music is a rather competitive niche. However, a niche site builder was inventive enough to find out its new edge and stay differentiated from competitors. Many of their tips can be used to find a career in any other field.

Painting: Angela Fehr

Angela Fehr

This is a blog of a professional watercolor painter. Angela Fehr shares her knowledge, experience and discoveries that she’s made during her career. Also, the author gives tips and recommendations on choosing paper, brushes and other stuff, as well as answers various questions related to the industry.


The website has over 20,000 visitors every month. The audience itself is even larger including 12,800 Facebook fans, and over 87,900 YouTube subscribers.

Content Strategy

The painter publishes tons of ideas for inspiration, as well as useful tips on painting. Video tutorials and articles are the prevailing type of content. Angela promotes her own works and sells courses. There is even information on free courses. YouTube channel monetization brings a solid income as well.

What You Can Learn From This Website

If you are looking for niche market ideas in the field of arts, this resource might be a good example how to launch your website or build a page on an aggregator such as Etsy, for instance.

Coffee: The Way To Coffee

The way to coffee

Resi is a writer, photographer and a real expert in coffee, and she eagerly shares this expertise on her blog, The Way To Coffee. Resi has visited all the coffee shops that she writes about on the website. You’ll find tool guides for brew professionals, city guides with Resi’s favourite coffee shops that she has visited and personally recommends, and some marketing tips for cafes.


There are over 6,200 visitors to the website per month. Resi runs a Pinterest account, and has over 14,000 followers on Instagram and over 1,000 followers on Facebook.

Content Strategy

The prevailing type of content includes guides aimed at coffee professionals and fans to help them grow their expertise, and find the best brewing tools and coffee shops.

What You Can Learn From This Website

In contrast to many websites in this niche, Resi’s blog is on point, with clear and comprehensive guides and specific recommendations for coffee professionals.

What You Can Take Away From All These Sites

If you want to become a niche website builder, these examples might be inspiring for you. To get started, you’ll need a decent budget and a few promising ideas. You can aim at attracting a big audience by covering a wide range of topics or build a stronger but smaller community by publishing highly-specific and reliable material. Try to only publish unique content, use relevant keywords and promote your own products as well as affiliates, if possible. Be generous enough to offer lead magnets in order to attract more users.

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