How to Share Travel Content Effectively and for Free

Andrey Novoselov Andrey Novoselov
Reading time:  7  min.

Content marketing not only consists of creating quality written and visually appealing content, but also sharing your content on different online platforms. Creating content and sharing the content are interrelated terms which affect each other. But they aren’t the only things you to know about content marketing. Read our guide on how to share travel content effectively and for free and expand your articles on the internet.

How to share travel content effectively and for free

Preparing Content for Spreading

A good content piece is likely to be shared on various platforms, but you may need to create customized content according to your platform of choice.  The better content, the more it will spread; the more you spread your content, the more traffic you will get.

Content is the starting point and foundation of online marketing. If your foundation is of poor quality, but attractive, your future work will not go far. The way you can gain an audience for your content is to:

  1. Create SEO (Search Engine Optimization) content
  2. Create viral content.

Do not forget that the search engine market works based on the words (search Queries). Search engines, such as Google, route visitors according to search queries, which is why it is beneficial to have Google-friendly, SEO content. However, you have to pay more for having SEO content. Or, you can learn more about SEO content and create it yourself. Don’t forget, that self-made content also costs something. It’s sacrificing your time and energy.

Building Content

To spread your content, do not be limited by just sharing content in your blog. Share content on social media. However, social media is made up of more than 1 billion publishings. This brings up two underlying facts:

  • People do share the content
  • There is a high competition, other webmasters may work on the spreading as well

If you want your content to be shared and spread, your article should be very quality, interesting, attractive and unique from the rest of the articles on the topic. Therefore, you should put more effort towards learning to publish quality and interesting content.

Preparing viral content which is liked, commented on and shared by an audience on social media platforms make your content spread naturally. Viral content needs creativity, uniqueness, authenticity, good timing and luck. Consider the impact of social media in online marketing and learn more about strategies for viral content creation.

Create Unique Posts for Each Social Channel

Each social media channel has its own characteristics, and so your post should not be the same format of your blog posts. For example, on Facebook, people share videos more than statuses and links, an on Pinterest, people share more pictures, while people share more links on LinkedIn. Therefore, while preparing content for Facebook, Pinterest or similar platforms, it is better to integrate videos or pictures for success.

Moreover, the tone of social content in blogs and social media is different. An article which is written for a travel blog may not be successful on social media, because of its format. In social platforms, you need to build a strong relation with audience. Therefore, you need to use a more casual tone than you use in your articles.

A strong relationship between going viral and emotions are emphasized to have maximum audience. While creating content for social media, you should target the emotions of audience to persuade them to share that emotion with their friends.

Social Media Updates

To share content on social media effectively, you need a constant flow of updates. To keep your audience and have more visitors, regular posting is necessary. Therefore, have a content sharing plan to be more systematic and organized on social media updates. We highly recommend the use of tools to make a content sharing plan. In Travelpayouts, we are using Trello and Excel. The last one is a great tool for the beginners, and Trello is a tool if you want to manage your plans really well.

Besides sharing content regularly, do not forget to update your old articles to always give trustworthy information to your visitors. For example, you wrote an article about a flight destination with different air companies, but X air company closed that destination permanently. Update that article with new information. Of course, it’s valid only for your own website. You usually can’t update old social media posts. But, you don’t even need to make it. This would be nice to share the updated information again!

Optimize Posting Time & Frequency

Apart from continuously publishing, your second focus should be the timing of a post. People are more active on social media during some parts of the day. For example, people start to be active on Facebook at 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. After this period, the audience decreases.

Therefore, it is better to post in this period of time to spread your content more. Also, check the active hours of each platform on internet before you share your content.

Social Bookmarking Platforms

Bookmarking in general is marking a website on the browser you use such as Google Chrome or another browser bookmarks. People add bookmarks when they like a website so much that they want to visit regularly. This means it’s an easy and regular way of visiting your website once a visitor adds it to bookmarks.

There is also a new generation of bookmarking used in social medias. Social media bookmarking is a term which people share content by bookmarking it for both themselves and for other people. This is also an effective point about how to share a travel content for free.

For example, StumbleUpon is a pretty good platform for social media bookmarks. Through StumbleUpon, a visitor can bookmark a content for another people and also write a small explanation for each bookmarks.

Pocket is also another bookmarking site which saves people from going back to websites again and again by bookmarking the contents. It also allows bookmarking to share with other users. That means you can share your content once  by bookmarking there and people will see it without an extra effort.

Participate in Social Groups and Communities

Social groups and communities are beneficial to consider while trying to spread your content. That is because those groups and communities have an audience via specific interests. You can join both private and public groups to spread your content for free.

Social Media

However, be careful not to be so promotional and get banned while using those groups and communities as content sharing tools. You can use either similar posts to the ones on social media or all articles you have created for your blog while sharing travel content in the groups.

Publishing Content on Other Websites

Once you’ve created your content, there is no need to limit yourself with your own blog. It is about slowly working to develop your blog and getting a huge amounts of traffic naturally. However, it is pretty profitable to promote your content on other websites to generate more traffic from different sources.

For example, if you have a long article, share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to increase the amount of audience you get. For instance, on LinkedIn, which is known as a business platform, sends an update email to your followers when you share new content. So, the platform promotes your article for free. Use such opportunities by sharing your content on different platforms!

Create Feeds in Content Curation Sites

First of all, content curation means collecting information and ideas in a certain topic through tags. Therefore, content curation sites are websites where people share and gather information by tagging according to topics such as:

  • Pinterest;
  • Quora;

Note that Quora was an amazing source for getting traffic in the past, but in 2018 it started to get worse. Moderators often deleted links to good pages.

You can use these platforms in two ways:

  • Collecting content ideas;
  • Spreading your content for free.

For example, if you want to create good content about travel tips for families, you first need to look at Pinterest to learn more about the topic and then create a great content and share it with the same tag.

Once you share your content, it will be accessible to the audience who searched that tag. And, if your audience loves your content, they will pin it to their profiles to share with other people.

We already have shared how to use Pinterest for travel blog promotion, use it! For those, who are doing local SEO, we highly recommend to add this project for local listings and also read more about local SEO strategies in our article.

Diversify Your Content for Sharing

As mentioned before, each channel that shares your content has different qualifications and different types of audiences. Therefore, you should adapt your content according to channel you will share it. For example, on Facebook, long types of content is available to share, but there is a limit of words on Twitter.

Sharing your content for free means more about influencing your audience and making them share your content with their friends. However, some audiences like listening and seeing rather than reading, while others like funny rather than serious tones of articles.

As a content sharing strategy, create variations of your content such as videos, humorous pictures or caricatures. Do not just stick to creating articles as content! Make variations in your content to maximize your impact on your audience.

Test Social Media Headlines

Another important point about how to spread a travel content for free is your social media headlines. In social media, people read the title of your content at the beginning, and if it is attractive enough, they click to read more.

To attract an audience on social media, catchy and creative titles are necessary. With your headline, the audience should be persuaded that the content is useful, specific, unique and worth reading immediately.

To learn how the audience is reacting to headlines, you can test their . That will be very useful to develop your strategy according to characteristics of your audience.

Social Content Sharing Strategy

If you want to have more traffic and viral posts, you need to know how to create quality content and how to share content effectively. Here is a brief note about content spreading;

  • Create good quality content.
  • Diversify your content to share on more than one platform.
  • Share your content on different social media platforms and consider the characteristics of both the platform and audience.
  • Post regularly and update the old posts.
  • Plan timing and frequency of posting.
  • Join communities and groups to maximize your traffic.
  • Use bookmarks and content curation sites to spread your content for free.

As you can understand from these strategies, just creating good quality content is not sufficient for increasing your traffic. It is essential to develop ideas about how to share content. Try more strategies to share travel content for free and find the best one for you!

In case you were lucky or you used our guide on how to create a viral content for Facebook, you may launch the sharing wave when a lot of people share your links.

How to Share a Travel Content Effectively and for Free

The quality of content should have the highest priority, but don’t forget that even the best article would not naturally grow well, if it isn’t a well-known project. This is why it’s your job to promote every piece of content created. Use our tips on how to share a travel content effectively and free.

We highly recommend you invest time and money for spreading content, as it will make content creation more effective. Just imagine, you work hard and only a few people read your travel blog! That not only produces low incomes, but it’s also demotivating. Spreading content will bring you the readers, satisfaction from your work and may increase your income.

Share your experience about content sharing in the comments.

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